Service options onsite at SMIV:

We have three services to choose from each Sunday.

  • 8am, Holy Communion. No singing. No morning tea.

  • 10am, Holy Communion. Some singing. No morning tea. Unvaccinated children will be present, however the ‘SMiV Kids’ program will operate outside the worship space where children will remain until collected by parents after church. This service will also be livestreamed via zoom.

  • Sunday 4.30pm. Singing. Unvaccinated children present.

(In addition we have a Wednesday Holy Communion service at 11am. Just how frequently will depend on the demand for this service. Like the 8am service, this will not include singing.)

When preparing to come to church, please consider the following:

  • Please bring a mask to church. Whilst not mandated for indoors it is helpful for those who can comfortably wear them to do, for the sake of those more vulnerable in our church community. However, if mask wearing is a problem for you we would rather you join us without one than to stay away! Keep in mind that anyone involved in congregational singing will need to wear a mask.

  • Families with children – please come either to 10am or 4.30pm. (Please ensure children come prepared to be outside i.e. with sunscreen, hats and water bottles).

  • The CBR check-in app and hand sanitizing station will continue to be in use.

Sermons will continue to be uploaded to our website under ‘Listen’ for the benefit of those who cannot attend in person .

At present there is no need to book in via the links below: